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Version: 1.20.x

The Attachments System

Data attachments allow storing and retrieving data on objects in an easy way.

NeoForge adds data attachment support to BlockEntities, Entities, ItemStacks and Chunks. This will be explained in more detail in the following sections.

Creating your own Attachment

Your attachment type has to be registered. Attachments can be serializable, which means that they'll be saved and read from disk, when the objects leaves and enters the world. To serialize the attachment it has to either implement INBTSerializable, or you have to call AttachmentType.Builder#serilize with a Codec or an IAttachmentSerializer.


Codecs shouldn't be used for Attachments on ItemStacks, as the serialization will happen often and Codecs are slower compared to the other options.

AttachmentType.Builder#copyOnDeath can be called to persist the data across player respawns or entity transformations like Skeleton to Stray when in Powder Snow.

Using Attachment Data

Unlike Levels, Entities, and ItemStacks, LevelChunks and BlockEntities are only written to disk when they have been marked as dirty. A attachment implementation with persistent state for a LevelChunk or a BlockEntity should therefore ensure that whenever its state changes, its owner is marked as dirty.

To get the attachment data you call IAttachmentHolder#getData on the object. It will either return the value present in the object or a new instance created by the defaultValueSupplier of the AttachmentType. To set the attachment data you call IAttachmentHolder#setData on the object. Objects that have to be marked dirty, will have setChanged called on them to ensure no data loss.

Synchronizing Data with Clients

By default, attachment data is not sent to clients. In order to change this, the mods have to manage their own synchronization code using packets.

There are three different situations in which you may want to send synchronization packets, all of them optional:

  1. When the entity spawns in the level, or the block is placed, you may want to share the initialization-assigned values with the clients.
  2. When the stored data changes, you may want to notify some or all of the watching clients.
  3. When a new client starts viewing the entity or block, you may want to notify it of the existing data.

Refer to the Networking page for more information on implementing network packets.

Persisting across Player Deaths

By default, the capability data does not persist on death. In order to change this, the data has to be manually copied when the player entity is cloned during the respawn process.

This can be done via PlayerEvent$Clone by reading the data from the original entity and assigning it to the new entity. In this event, the #isWasDeath method can be used to distinguish between respawning after death and returning from the End. This is important because the data will already exist when returning from the End, so care has to be taken to not duplicate values in this case.